more mold and birdy death
In other news, living in a subdivision full of blooming acacia trees on a windy day can interfere with your mold-sniffing activities, and if you buy international conventional produce, you're killing cute little birds.
You learn something every day, right? Just because I learn random-seeming, esoteric trivia doesn't mean you shouldn't be stuck with it, too.
The photographs, in fact, speak far louder and more clearly than the authors’ strident prose, for what could have been a uniquely affecting work proves to be almost unreadable.
[A] scheme in Ireland had reduced plastic bag usage, but sales of bin liners had increased 400 per cent.On two fourteen-year-old boys who took Viagra at school:
The boys have claimed not to have taken any of them but there has been good reason to believe that was not the case.