Wednesday, April 29, 2009

things you can wash with

Today I learned that researchers have found that you should bleach your children if they have eczema because that kills the bacteria associated with the problem. Ok, they said to put a 1/2 cup of bleach in the kid's bath, but as an EI, that still sounds pretty lethal to me. Makes you wonder what lye soap did to eczema, back in the day.

In other bath news, I've been washing my hair with salt, baking soda, or this funky super-organic clay-based "wash" since whenever I got in trouble with that last shampoo. Salt is good for not-too-stinky hair, baking soda is pretty good for grocery-store hair and minor greasiness, and the clay stuff is really good for everything. So far my scalp smells better than it did when I used fragrance-free shampoos, I don't get little frizzies on top anymore when I blow-dry my hair, which isn't all flat and perfectly straight like it used to be, and it looks fantastic, assuming it isn't falling out of a braid. I would wear it down all the time, but having easier-to-work-with hair hasn't done anything for my hair-in-the-face tolerance.


Anonymous Susie Collins said...

What clay are you using?

2:14 PM  
Blogger missmolly said...

Bentonite clay. (Whatever that means. Maybe I'll have to learn something about different kinds of clay.) I'm using the fragrance-free version of this stuff:

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that product is very interesting!

1:49 AM  
Anonymous Susie Collins said...

I did a post on the hair wash. I also put it out on Twitter and two people wrote me right back saying they ordered some. Thanks for the review!

1:31 AM  

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