Tuesday, March 31, 2009

chemical sensitivity in the general population

Today I learned that Chantix, a drug that is supposed to take all the fun out of smoking so you can quit, causes a bunch of unpleasant mental side-effects in enough people that a writer wrote a whole article about his side-effects. I can get those same side-effects from going into that Whole Foods store I mentioned. It's too bad that so many chemical sensitivities are bad trips; Whole Foods would be a lot more fun if it made me drunk like one kind of outdoor mold does. (Or did. I've been staying out of mold.)

In other news, I hear you can get fragrance out of clothes by soaking them in a bucket with 1/2 cup of salt for an hour. I also heard from an actual hairdresser that you can scrub your scalp with salt instead of shampoo. Clearly I am still thinking about giving up on shampoo, but it may take until I develop my next shampoo sensitivity to nudge me into actually trying it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you end up trying the 17th Century Suds shampoo? -shoshe

10:13 AM  
Blogger missmolly said...

I didn't get around to it yet because I'm pretty sure I still tolerate two national brands, and I can alternate between them, thus saving shipping fees.

I also tolerate salt really, really well. Kind of like ammonia as my laundry detergent -- I'd never have to switch again. (Keeping im mind that ammonia is a pain in the butt, so there's a trade-off.)

11:13 PM  

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