Tuesday, May 22, 2007

one of those rules

Today I learned that if I put the car in the garage with the door up a foot and wash and dry my sheets without soap, they suck. Then I learned that if I roll the car out of the garage and air fluff the sheets, they come out fine. The thing here is that the dryer is in the kitchen, and I didn't park the car in the kitchen.

I think with any kind of breeze, the breeze can blow the garage fumes into the kitchen through little cracks no one else would worry about. Now I'm not sure I want to ventilate the garage; I think I just don't want to ever put the car in it again. Thus it only took me three weeks to re-learn one of the cardinal rules of EI housing: if you have an attached garage, you can't use it.


Anonymous sildenafil generic said...

Thank you for taking the time to explain this. Thank you from management goes a long way.

7:20 PM  

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