beasties, lunch, 'do no harm,' tent prep, and mental illness
Today I learned that:
- The javelina around here get fed by morons frequently enough that if they come upon you, and you have food, they expect some. They're a little scary to chase off on account of those tusks they have.
- Chipotle is one of the safer places to eat.
- The waiting rooms at various doctors' offices can vary greatly depending on the occupants. Today I had to take two showers to get the fumes off me, and I think I still made the really, really sick lady sick when I visited this evening, a total of three showers later. That doctor has a safer office farther away that only gets used three days a month, and I will be going there.
- You can cut nylon with a soldering iron.
- Getting your hormones straightened out using various supplements can cause shoe purchases. I don't understand it, but now I want high heels. It feels like a mental illness.
- You can get eyeliner that is just made of mica and various oxides. I'm not sure whether my current mental illness requires eyeliner or not, but it required at least looking it up.
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