Wednesday, July 11, 2007

newspeople, roads, and street signs

I suppose I'd heard about Mayor Villaraigosa's affair with the telemundo anchor before this, but today I learned that sometimes people in the news get pretty cozy with the newspeople who cover their stories. Maybe people whose wives have disappeared after announcing an intention to kick said people out of the house always invite newspeople to bring their kids over to go swimming. I don't get out much, so, as I said, it's news to me.

Then I learned that LA is thinking about what to do about its roads before the population grows by a projected 60% by 2050. They're expecting a 400% increase in truck traffic, so my initial thought that they should just ban cars with fewer than two people in them may not make much of a dent. Maybe they'll have to make all non-local freight take a train. Oh, or they could re-institute servants' quarters to reduce the number of commuters. See those little hovels on the edge of the parking lot? That's where the housekeeping staff lives. How quaint. I don't think you'll have to remind me not to move to LA.

And in case you needed to know, you can buy a used street sign for $5 to $10.


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