Tuesday, January 09, 2007

words all gone

Today I spent most of the day fishing for the right word, which indicates that I used them all up yesterday and the newsletter article is doomed.

I still managed to learn that Stephen Colbert and Bill O'Reilly are each going to appear on each other's shows on Jan. 18 and that the EPA rejected a carcinogenic wood preservative for wood sold at home-improvement or hardware stores, presumably for items like decks and, it says in the article, picnic tables. I thought people bought picnic tables whole instead of making them, but anyway, since it is apparently perfectly fine to use the same carcinogenic wood preservative in things like telephone poles and railroad ties, the president of Forest Products Research Lab, which makes the chemical, had this to say:
"I don't understand what changed," Morgan said. "We believe we provided the data to show this was a safe product."
So, um, like wow, y'know?


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