this boring post is really just bookkeeping
Today I learned that if you're going to have to communicate by typing instead of talking, it's better to use a word processor program instead of the text editor because you can resize the text for myopic audiences. Also, this homemade cough medicine recipe didn't do anything for my cough, but I had to use lime juice instead of apple cider vinegar. It wasn't a total loss, though -- it tastes interesting.
For the record, this started when Mr. Brokenphysicist and I noticed a spike in the pollen outside. I may have gotten a cold that started at the same time, but I detect unfiltered outdoor air as an airway irritant, and exercise knocks me flat, which never happened in the old days. So, a heck of a hay fever reaction or that plus a cold.
For the record, this started when Mr. Brokenphysicist and I noticed a spike in the pollen outside. I may have gotten a cold that started at the same time, but I detect unfiltered outdoor air as an airway irritant, and exercise knocks me flat, which never happened in the old days. So, a heck of a hay fever reaction or that plus a cold.
Some recent studies (I can't remember which ones, but they were within the past few years) showed that honey was just about as effective as commercial cough syrups. Have you tried that? Also, I've found that Nutella works amazingly for tickle-y-throat coughs. -Shoshe
I tried honey in tea, but in the long run, it worked as well as water for this cough. (I didn't try it straight.) What really works is a particulate filter strapped to your face, but that gets old way before tea with honey in it.
Mr. Brokenphysicist is all over the Nutella. I might have to figure out how to fake Nutella.
My guess is that the viscosity is the key, so straight or nearly-straight honey or agave syrup would do it. Is the dairy part of Nutella the problem? If so, I'd fake it with whatever nuts you can have, whatever chocolate you can have, a food processor, and maybe something to smooth it out (emulsifier of some sort? Banana? Peaches?). -Shoshe
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