Thursday, October 28, 2010

stuff that'll kill you plus a lesson in writing legislation

Today I learned that you can bring home the contaminant over at my friends' house in your car. And yes, I should stop trying to go over there, but the wind changed directions and it sounded really promising. Apparently, the new wind direction makes an eddy in their area, so the new unfinished house, with its porta-john, is still upwind.

Everything else I learned so far today I learned on Fark:
  • Bisphenol A exposure in Chinese workers directly correlates with men's sperm quality, so now we have an actual BPA study done on humans, and the results were not good news. I have to admit that due to some hormonal weirdness while eating unusual levels of canned chicken broth while I was on vacation, I had my suspicions that BPA was worse for you that people thought. I was in a moldier outdoor environment than I usually am, too, so my personal anecdotal evidence is not compelling, but I'm done with canned anything now.
  • A private prison company cooked up Arizona's SB 1070. Their business model involves locking people up, and according to NPR, they wrote the danged thing in December of last year, and it passed in April of this year practically untouched.
What really annoys me is that the prison people came up with a very clever way to make more money, but locking people up should not be in anyone's financial interest.


Blogger cinderkeys said...

Eden's canned goods come in safer cans. For some reason, they utterly fail to advertise this fact.

11:40 PM  
Blogger missmolly said...

That's a good point -- I'd forgotten. There's also some other company (something like Native Forest), whose stuff I have never seen.

9:44 PM  

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