Sunday, June 03, 2007


Today I learned something about how long kiwis sit on nests and that one of them faked out all the conservationists who'd hoped they'd get to see a baby kiwi.

That's all I got today, so have a picture of a partially-broken-into ostrich egg from February:

Actually, there was one more thing. Today I smell like rotting garbage, and I hope it goes away soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you actually "chip the egg shell away" with the back end of a knife like it said on the instructions?

12:18 AM  
Blogger missmolly said...

Yeah, it worked just like they said. We actually had to pound harder on the shell than we expected, and it came away in sort-of flakes. In the picture, you can see a few of the flake-like chunks stuck to the membrane, which was as much tougher than a chicken egg membrane as the shell was.

9:20 PM  

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