Wednesday, May 30, 2007

nudity in the news

Today I learned that there's a billboard outside of Chicago that features a partially-clad model with arrows pointing to various horrible figure flaws, and it helpfully lists treatments and solutions for the aforesaid deformities. Motorists find the billboard annoying and/or replusive, but apparently as a postcard, it increased the business of the salon and plastic surgeon who sent it out. I get why people find the image upsetting - this is the US, where we don't expect to see an attractive woman who appears not to be wearing pants on our everyday commutes, but after that, I don't understand why more people aren't laughing. I mean, figure flaws on a model?

But nudity is not funny, so no laughing with the junior who is the starting center fielder and likely to be the starting running back at a local high school, and who streaked this year's graduation. The school is putting on its best frowny face over it because otherwise I expect it would become a tradition, but somehow I don't see the kid getting expelled. Handing over a prankster starting athlete to the other team somehow doesn't seem like such a good idea.


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