Saturday, February 03, 2007

"Yeah, but I'm taller."

Today I learned that even though my social skills were fired in the crucible of a physics education, it appears that deep down, I'm still a chick. I may be able to play guy games, but sometimes I think they're stupid.

Take for example the Dilbert guy's recent blog post about asking people a trick question and silently weeping when they get the answer wrong. If your friend asks you a trick question, it's like dogs play-fighting - they're just messing with you. In pretty much any other case I can think of, it's a dominance thing, which is to say, not play-fighting, and I don't think I've ever heard a woman do it. The guy asking the question is checking to make sure you're dumber than he is and know it, or just to confirm his generally poor opinion of humanity, which still means putting somebody down. So I'm all for trick questions between friends, but as described in that blog post, I think they're obnoxious.

My next example of chick-thinking involves San Francisco Mayor Newsom's sleeping with the wife of his campaign manager and friend, who then quit. I don't pay a whole lot of attention to San Francisco politics unless they're about chemicals at bus stops, but apparently women seem willing to forgive and forget and still potentially vote for Mayor Newsom, but men see it as a totally unforgivable betrayal and will never, ever consider voting for him ever again. My first reaction was that yeah, that's pretty unforgivable, but it still wouldn't stop me from voting for the guy.

So here's the latest round-up:
  • plasticized kidneys - amusing
  • burning action figures - amusing
  • trick questions - obnoxious unless between friends
  • having sex with your friend's wife - theoretically forgivable, but we're glad we don't know any of the people involved.
Hey, maybe the mayor should go on Jerry Springer.


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