Friday, January 19, 2007

boobs, cars, Walmart, and smoking

Today I learned that women with saline breast implants can make them glow in the dark by putting a flashlight up to them. There are, technically, pictures of boobs (glowing in the dark) where I learned that, so click with care, and here's the link. I also learned that there are multiple ways to ruptu.... You know, if breast implants were used predominantly for things like cancer reconstruction surgery, in which case the ability to glow in the dark could be considered a badge of courage, I don't expect I would be grossed out by them, but I seem to have a big problem with sticking foreign substances into perfectly good boobs.

In other news: Also, in what may be TMI news, I have gotten off really, really easy from this big hormone reaction I was expecting. I slept through the night and everything. This is HUGE, and I hope it's not just some weird trade-off for two weeks ago.


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