Thursday, December 11, 2008

two wrongs and a right

Today I learned: If you're curious about what-all else the environmentally injured community knows about your food products, you probably already know that things like conventional fruit, potatoes, and peppers are pretty well contaminated with pesticide, and conventional meats have all kinds of bad stuff in the fat, but as to organic products:
  • I understand Horizon switched suppliers to one that was technically organic, but used feedlots, and people who had tolerated their dairy products before didn't after that.
  • The one time I tried Trader Joe's applesauce, it was rotten and made me sick. And I mean made of rotten apples, and it was in the fall, too, when they should have been good.
It's too bad sick people have very little economic clout, but we know which way the wind blows in terms of contaminated products.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of us can't eat anything from a regular supermarket because the chemicals there contaminate everything after 5 minutes in the store. Even stuff in the freezers!

4:37 PM  

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