Friday, November 28, 2008

more food

Today I learned that I am seriously sensitive to the turkey sausage from Whole Foods that I put in the stuffing yesterday. The sausage was the only processed food in the whole meal, and all its ingredients were theoretically ok, so I guess I learned that sausage is in the same category as powdered sugar: stuff that sounded safe enough but will kill me. As far as I can tell, the problem with powdered sugar is that there might be cornstarch in it. I don't know what was wrong with the sausage.

Also, if I have heart palpitations from eating sausage, and you really piss me off, the adrenaline rush knocks the heart palpitations down. That was an interesting experience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know you can make your own powdered sugar by putting granulated sugar through a high speed mixer? Without the cornstarch it isn't a smooth feeling as the stuff you buy in the store, but it may be healthier for you!

8:51 AM  
Blogger missmolly said...

Do you think a blender would work?

8:25 AM  

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