Tuesday, January 01, 2008

alcohol and nerds

Today I learned that my understanding of drunk driving standards may have been based on half truths. I never considered whether or not stiffer standards reduce alcohol-related vehicular deaths, or what the typical BACs are of the drivers at fault. As a nerd, and a sick one at that, I really don't have much exposure to drunks, so I guess my lack of thought is not very surprising.

Speaking of nerds, there's a new book out about how kids don't want to be nerds, so the US is falling behind other countries on the technological front. I remember hearing overblown cautionary tales about kids faking stupidity to fit in long about the fifth grade and thinking that only a dumb kid would want to look dumb. I'm pretty sure that says something about my nerdy social skills in elementary school, but because of my nerdy social skills, I'm not sure what.

In could also be that I learned chocolate chips go quite well with leftover champagne, and I have the alcohol tolerance of a gnat.


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