Sunday, August 13, 2006

straw into gold

Not that this makes petroleum products any easier on my liver, but today I learned that you can make oil out of pig manure.

When I was in elementary school, some old people (you know, probably college-age) came to my school and gave a presentation on conservation and recycling that included the information that by the time we were old enough to drive, there would be no more gasoline. The boys, as I recall, were pretty upset by the revelation that they might never learn to drive, but since these same people informed us that we could make leg warmers out of our boyfriends' old sweater sleeves, I decided that I would wait and see.

The other thing I learned today is that people have been predicting that we'd run out of oil in ten years for 75 years.

In other news, I mentioned that my husband pushed me up a big hill last weekend, and if you want to see sort of what that looks like, check out the picture accompanying this article.


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