meth, a safe house, ATMs, and things I don't understand
Today I learned that:
- Making a pound of methamphetamine, which is worth roughly $27,000, makes five or six pounds of toxic waste. Since meth makers are not exactly environmentally conscious, sometimes they dump the waste into the dirt, and the way you decontaminate the dirt when that happens is by incinerating it.
- Here's a perfectly good article about somebody with MCS in the mainstream media that took me six months to discover.
- ATM thieves in Malaysia grabbed the check deposit machine instead of the ATM.
- ATM thieves in Arizona used a forklift to yank the correct machine, but they were observed in real time on the security camera, so they weren't that hard to catch.
- If meth labs are so toxic, do the people who run them get sick and die, or do they get caught before that happens?
- Where do ATM thieves find a forklift that no one will miss? Or do forklift owners not really care as long as the forklift is on time for work? And how do you drive a forklift down the street to a bank, even at four in the morning, without anyone noticing?
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