Thursday, May 25, 2006

great names

Today, in honor of all the weird names celebrities choose for their children, e.g. Zolten and Bluebell Madonna, I turned up this wonderful list of historical names and their accompanying nicknames so that I can continue a family tradition of suggesting great names for babies. There are a bunch of other good ones on the list, but the ones that caught my eye were:

Abijah: 'Bige'
Artelepsa: 'Epsey'
Eliphalel: 'Life'
Experience: 'Exie'
Lecurgus: 'Curg'
Mehitabel: 'Hetty', 'Mabel', or 'Mitty'
Melchizedek: 'Dick' or 'Zadock'

I didn't really find anything after the M's; Melchizedek is kinda hard to top.


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