Sunday, May 21, 2006

graphic picture of WMD

Ok, it's really just a picture of a bunch of ants eating. At first I thought the bait had killed them because they were so still, but it turns out they're just really busy eating.

The wet-looking stuff on the wall is dried dish detergent, and the white scum on the pavement is laundry detergent residue. It's not quite what you want your front porch to look like, but it's better than land mines.

In other news, I'm allergic to borax. I got in trouble with it the night after the race around the scum pond, but I thought I was just shaking off the effects of the scum pond. New laundry detergent: washing soda, as soon as I get some. Until then, a water-wasting two cycles of hot water.


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