Wednesday, May 24, 2006

voter lottery, fire retardants, violent deer, and amorous birds

1. I really need to get around to registering to vote.

2. Because of the Romero Canyon fire, I got curious about fire retardants and turned up information about this one, which is apparently the good kind because it doesn't contain cyanide. The site says that flame retardants are designed to make burning plant material produce fewer volatile gases, oils, and tars, which burn well and spread the fire better. The goal is to produce only carbon and water. Retardants are supposed to last a while, too, so it might not be safe for EIs to go into Catalina State Park for a few months. We'll have to sniff it and see. I think we'll survive; not being able to go to one park is probably better than having the entire mountain on fire.

3. Unidentified deer have been roughing people up at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. (It's fawning season, and it sounds like it only happens on one path.)

4. For a few minutes we had doves in the nest in the vine again. I thought they were going to have something to show for all that birdy sex that's been going on on the wall outside my kitchen window not ten feet from my computer screen, but despite a bunch of odd-looking tail twitching, the nest is still empty. Y'know, the first pair of doves acted like an old married couple. This most recent pair, led by the girl bird, acted like horny teenagers.


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