Wednesday, October 15, 2014

politics and bathroom lighting

Those of you who live in Tucson and have a landline are by now well aware that we have an election coming up. Both sides (but as far as I'm aware, not the actual candidates themselves) have at this point essentially accused the other of intending to act like God did during most of the book of Job.

With today's telephone technology, you can blacklist phone numbers, so now our exposure to the vitriol predominantly supports the US Postal Service, through which we have learned that no matter what happens at the election, we're probably all going to live painful, short lives in the post-apocalyptic wasteland derived from the other side's policies.

In other news, after almost ten years in this house, we have concluded that the lighting in the master bath should be upgraded such that it no longer makes you look like you're dead. I thought I was just sick, but it's the lighting.

Internet searches revealed that ideally you should put lights on the sides of your enormous builder-standard mirror, not just the top, because that makes shadows under your eyebrows, and you look like you're dead. Because of the placement of the medicine chests in our bathroom, there is no room for lights at the premium locations, so I did what any self-respecting physicist would do: I got a laser pointer and figured out where I'd put a light or lights on the opposite wall to get the same effect. (That's the theory.) Then we got out our shop lights and concluded that a pendant light would eliminate the need for two wall lights. (That's the experiment.)

Now we're letting the idea simmer -- we're not exactly sure that a pendant light would look good. Or, as my husband put it, "Not everyone designs their bathroom lighting like a laser table."


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