Sunday, August 24, 2008

more road stuff

Today I learned that surveys in and around Silicon Valley report increases in solo drivers on roads where HOV lanes were added, widening the road. Apparently, it sucks bus riders back into their cars because they figure the traffic must have gotten better.

In other road-related news, there are a bunch of campsites still available right in Grand Canyon village in Mather Camp in the middle of this week. I didn't expect any vacancies until after Labor Day, and if I remember correctly, those campgrounds are usually pretty smoky anyway, so this information is pretty academic. Also, the Grand Canyon is not exactly on the way home.

As you may have surmised, the homemade, chemical-free tent is going for another ride. We'll have to see where it ends up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your tent!

10:58 PM  

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