Saturday, December 01, 2007

yet another short post

I haven't had a lot to say recently because of a combination of terrible air quality and being just well enough to be busy. I spend a lot less time on the couch these days, and that's a good thing, but it makes for lousy reading. So sorry, and here's all I have:

Today I learned that an inch and a half of rain is enough to clean up the pollution problems we've been having for the last several weeks, and I'm enough better than I don't get in trouble with wet desert. When I say I don't get in trouble with it, I mean I found out right after a two-day rainstorm that jogging doesn't hurt anymore, and I haven't been jogging in probably two years. Also, I read a nerdy paper about radio frequency hocus pocus, and I understood it.

The nerd rides again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations :)

9:47 PM  

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