Wednesday, May 02, 2007

food rules

Today I learned never to eat anything out of a cardboard box. Stated like that, it sounds pretty obvious, but when you've been watching your husband snarf Triscuits safely for several months, it clouds your judgment.

In similar news, peppermint turned out to be a pretty bad idea, too. The fact that I could smell my mother-in-law's toothpaste through a closed door and down a hallway a couple of months ago should have been a tip-off, but it was toothpaste, and it could have been spearmint instead of peppermint. Ok, so I should probably have known better, but I got away with it the first time, just like the Halloween candy.

I can still taste the stuff, and it's been over 24 hours.

It's not something I'm going to want again for quite some time, I think.


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