Wednesday, December 27, 2006

acid reflux, subway maps, and polar bears and Republicans

Acid reflux pills will kill you! Well, really they'll just block calcium absorption so your hips break.

If you were curious, EIs don't tolerate acid reflux pills any better than any other medication, so we don't eat foods we're sensitive to and if necessary take things like betaine HCl, which help with our notoriously poor digestion. I expect this sort of thing is spelled out in Sherry Roger's book, which I haven't read, so I don't know, but it is my understanding that poor digestion, or not enough acid in your stomach, is the cause of acid reflux, and taking acid reflux pills will go ahead and fix it so your esophagus doesn't get burned, but then you really aren't digesting your food, so then where are you? Anyway, if I hadn't gotten well and truly sick, I would never have learned this stuff and would still be sentenced to life on ZantacĀ® and sleeping on a tilted bed, so as much as I'm not happy to be sick, thank God I got sick enough to learn some things and stop spending money on ZantacĀ®.

In other news, here's a proper map of the New York subway system - one with the smells marked. I could right now draw you a similar map of my neighborhood, but it mostly only has a few houses that perpetually smell like laundry fumes instead of say, vomit, so it'd be boring.

On the political front, the Republicans have decided suddenly that global warming is a threat to polar bears, so global warming is real. Having denied it for so long, I can only attribute their abrupt change in position to my recent post about their environmental policies arresting my slow drift to the right and returning me to my collegiate raging liberalhood. Apparently they were counting on me.


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