Thursday, September 28, 2006

trade-offs and t-shirts

Today I learned that if you paint your floor and have to open some windows to put exhaust fans in them, you can keep the floor sealer smell out of the rest of the house, but the pollen trade-off is almost not worth it. However, the concrete we sealed is starting to smell a whole lot better than it did before.

In other news (sort of), I was aware of teenagers' propensity to wear t-shirts with messages on them that make grown-ups nuts, but I was not aware that some schools don't let kids wear un-messaged t-shirts, which I think I learned from the following comment*:
man a shirt is just a shirt rather you have words on it or not. my school doesn't allow plain shirts. and now they want us to stop wearing shirt with sexual or other type of shirts.
I hesitate to step on any kind of self-expression (this would be emailese, which is easier to read than textese), but, um, what?

* I can't get to the comments anymore - either the site isn't working right or I got more pollen than I thought.


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