Wednesday, February 08, 2006

hurtin' for entertainment

I'm kinda hurtin' in a couple ways today, so bear with me. I'll be better tomorrow.

1. Today I had a nice discussion with a man from my cell phone company who was trying sell me things I didn't want. With phones, I always know exactly what I want, so he was doomed from the start. I think he knew it, too, but he gamely went ahead anyway. He was a good guy. It was entertaining.

2. Dogs don't do menopause. They just go into heat farther apart when they get old.

3. The Black Death was caused by UFOs. I learned that when I went looking for more information on chemtrails because I have a chemically sensitive friend who has trouble on days the trails appear, and we want to know if there is any mildly credible explanation for it. The most popular I've come up with so far is the aerosol designed to eliminate the sick and elderly (mentioned here by Latvians with a sense of humor), which is better than UFOs, but not nearly as compelling as a pilot's discussion of contrails on the New Mexicans for Science and Reason chemtrail page. The pilot mentions something about jet exhaust in the atmosphere, but as much as I like jet exhaust for causing problems, it's being released probably seven miles up. I keep thinking the problem is coming from something with the wind direction or something, so days the wind comes from someplace yucky the flight pattern at the airport changes, but I got nothin'.


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