Friday, September 23, 2016

not a mosquito magnet

In a full and careful study of anecdotal evidence on the internet and in discussion with a bunch of mountain bikers, I learned that garlic or B vitamins would make you into less of a mosquito magnet. Since at the time of the study, I was the mosquito magnet who attracted mosquitoes away from everybody else, including the other mosquito magnets, I tried both at the same time. The garlic pills made my stomach hurt or had an interesting aftertaste, depending on when I took them. I dropped them and stuck with a B-complex.

I am pleased to announce that roughly ten days later, either all the mosquitoes in my neighborhood dropped dead unexpectedly, or the B-complex is working like nothing I've ever experienced. I hung around outside at dusk, and I didn't even see any bugs. I was pretty twitchy about it, and I didn't stay out for more than about five minutes, but I only itch in one place, and it appears to be purely psychosomatic.

The results of this study are applicable to chemically injured people who are related to me; I believe that includes pretty much no one. B vitamins are cheap, though, so I will volunteer to be part of interested parties' personal careful studies of anecdotal evidence.


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