Sunday, December 12, 2010

all about pressurizers, old news, and funny old news

Ok, so I believe I was complaining about the MERV 15 filter we had in the house pressurizer. I think I called it 'substandard.' The MERV 16 filter came in ten days ago, and things got somewhat better. This weekend, I wasn't having any luck with that, either, so now we have a full-on HEPA-equipped air cleaner outside on the patio blowing cleaned air in. Things are going better, but the filters on that thing aren't cheap, so this weather pattern better clear up one of these days.

In closely related news, the air cleaner with the HEPA filter has half the carbon the regular pressurizer has, but I don't know dwell times (how long the air is exposed to carbon on its way through the machine), so I can't really compare accurately other than to say that I could use the 'new' pressurizer this afternoon until about 7 pm, which is as far as I got with the regular pressurizer on a weekday -- it never made it off 'recirculate' today.

In things that'll kill you, I heard from the environmentally injured community in 2005 that stain-resistant clothing had formaldehyde in it, and the New York Times learned about it last week.

In stuff that's entertaining, when he was younger, the Dirty Jobs guy got fired from QVC.


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