slow start, great end
Today I learned that laundry detergent companies are deliberately designing their products to leave residues. I suspected that they did that so they could brand people with their smells, but now they have chemicals that protect the fibers so your clothes last longer. That actually sounds like a great idea as long you don't mind breathing laundry chemicals 24 hours a day. I mean, Bounce sounds like great stuff, too, and I used it religiously until I got sick and had to wash it out of everything I owned.
In other news:
In other news:
- Here's an article about an EI whose apartment got contaminated with pesticide.
- Apparently coconut oil helps people with Alzheimer's fuel their brains, which no longer handle sugar, so that's why the neurons die.
- Fantasizing about food helps people ignore pain.
- Inbreeding Habsburgs produced Charles II of Spain, whose jaw was so misaligned that he couldn't chew.
Aloha Miss Molly,
This is my first visit. Glad I found you. I think I saw that commercial about detergents last Thursday night(the only hour I watch is Thurs night it had to be). I would have puked but had nothing to get the picture. The branding people with their smell-thing is another all too scary story of science gone amuck.
And here I write with a NAET vial clearing those exact chemicals from my dear body because they are EVERYWHERE. NAET is a treatment that works for me as a Sensitive.
A hui hou (until next time), Mokihana
I'm imagining trying to stay out of laundry fumes for 24 hours, and I'm stuck on how you'd even get home from the NAET practitioner's place safely. I hope it works!
You mentioned having tile floors. I too am insanely sensitive to flooring materials in stores, much more so it seems than fragrances from what other people are wearing, although of course I am sensitive to those, too. But I can be in an empty building and still react badly, and I've spent the last two years trying to figure out why.
I know I dont react to any buildings with concrete floors. That is the only thing I know.
Most everything else I react to. Tile and wood are better, yes, but not all are safe; would love to know what makes unsafe places unsafe for me.
Great blog! am enjoying it. I have mcs too and am trying to find other mcs blogs and make a long list of them.
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