Monday, August 20, 2007


Today I learned that if I walk around in the desert for 2 1/2 hours, the next day I'm kind of spacey. Delayed spaciness indicates that I'm still too sick to get away with that kind of behavior, but I didn't consider the possibility yesterday. I was too busy noticing that I don't get heart palpitations walking uphill in 100 degree heat anymore.

In other news, corn-based ethanol will kill you, and I mean burning it, not drinking it, although I suppose that would work, too. The editorial I read spells out nicely how we're all going to starve to death by 2050 if we burn as much corn as Congress has signed us up for, but here is my favorite quote:
A recent Stanford University study showed that E85 produces so much ozone, a key ingredient in smog, that if it were used in Los Angeles instead of gasoline, it would raise ozone-related deaths 9%.
I gotta revise my previous statement: corn'll kill you! And Congress, too!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah! It's been traditional among some people to assume congress can/will kill you. Oooold news but fun!
Love, MKMom

9:56 PM  

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