Tuesday, February 27, 2007

voter priorities and whole wheat doughnuts

Today I learned that Barack Obama smokes! But he's trying to quit! Ok, so some voters apparently care, but as long as I don't have to be around him, I find that I don't really give a @*#%. This could be an issue if he's elected, fails to quit, and we finally have that march on Washington everybody likes to talk about but is, in general, too sick to go; it's kind of a long shot.

In other news, Krispy Kreme's stock price was once $50. It's around $10.71 now, and the announcement of a new whole wheat doughnut has not helped things, despite the fact that I found a food blogger who says that the whole wheat doughnuts taste fine. He also noted that they probably have the same 4 grams of trans fat as the 'less healthy' kind, but I don't think that's a big deterrent for most Krispy Kreme fans, the same way the whole wheat is probably not much of a draw. Now that I think about it, the most interesting thing I learned in that article was that whole wheat pastry flour exists, which I think I knew once but forgot.


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