Friday, November 18, 2005


Today I watched Wednesday's South Park episode, Trapped in the Closet, and I learned that the Church of Scientology makes its members achieve some upper level of Scientology before revealing secret church information: that 75 million years ago, Xenu, an alien ruler of 76 overpopulated worlds, paralyzed a bunch of his extra subjects, and transported them to Earth using DC8s with rockets instead of propellers. Then he killed them by blowing up volcanoes, and he brainwashed the resulting souls in movie theaters and, uh, I can't really keep track of all this since it doesn't make any sense. I think the upshot is that there are extra souls, and they're bad, and Scientology can help you remove them or something. Similar versions of the story can be found here and here.

It's one of those things that if you had read it in a science fiction novel* would make perfect sense and you could remember it, but when you put the book down, you'd be ok again.

*Everybody here knows L. Ron Hubbard, the science fiction author, started Scientology, right? Probably to make money?


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