Monday, November 14, 2005

warning: missmolly whines

Here's something I didn't learn: I don't really have any control over things like, say, my gallbladder. You can't make these things work by telling them: get your act together.

So today, when I talked to the doctor, and he assessed my current situation and told me my immune system needs shoring up (he can do that), I was freaking disappointed in it.

What the heck is its problem, anyway?


Blogger Funball said...

Hey, if that sort of thing worked, I would still have functioning kidneys and blood pressure where the first digit is not a "2"

10:20 AM  
Blogger missmolly said...

Why don't these things listen??

I'm feeling a little better today, so I'm moving toward forgiveness. Nice immune system, that's a good immune system, want a cook-.... What does an immune system cookie look like, anyway?

11:54 AM  
Blogger Funball said...

I'd have to go with a small innocuous (sp?) virus. Maybe something like a vaccine that it can snack on quickly? :-)

4:36 PM  

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