Monday, June 30, 2008

too busy to learn much

Today I theoretically learned how to make soy yogurt, but I didn't actually try it. I was too busy doing things that weren't sitting on the couch, like making a mattress for a friend and reading a signal processing textbook. (Occupational hazard: I concluded that the editorial staff at the nerdy textbook factory could stand to be a little more nerdy. Either that, or the author of that book needs to be kicked a couple of times.) I didn't even get to the dryer, which still needs some parts scrubbed and assembled, and I want to get through that textbook yesterday.

I overbooked my things-to-do list. I have a proper reason to get up in the morning tomorrow.

I feel better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear you feel better.

12:10 AM  

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