Sunday, January 13, 2008

scrapbooks and sociologists

Today I learned that if you enter the national scrapbooking contest, you can't use any pictures that you, personally, didn't take. Apparently this little-known rule is a huge freakin' big deal to some people. Also, there are traditional scrapbookers who commemorate events, like a grandkid's graduation, but the younger generation is more into expressing their own personal angst and such, so there's a generational clash. All I have to say about this situation is that I'm very pleased that I got out of elementary school so I could stop gluing things to paper.

Having now incurred the wrath of the scrapbooking community should they stumble across this post, I will point out that I'm still getting over that elastic exposure, so they'd be picking on a pathetic sick lady. I mean, sociologists are tougher than me.


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