Wednesday, February 14, 2007

junk science and party tricks

Today one of my friends taught me this weird little thing, and she said it had to do with electrical circuits in your body, which I freely admit that I, a low temperature physicist/radio frequency engineer, don't understand, but that's ok.

So here's what you do:
  1. Make an 'o' shape with the index finger and thumb of your non-dominant hand.
  2. Put the index finger and thumb of your dominant hand together like a duck's bill.
  3. Stick the duck's bill into the 'o,' and think 'yes,' while opening the duck's bill to try to push the fingers of your non-dominant hand apart. Note the result - your fingers may have come apart pretty easily, or they may not have.
  4. Repeat step 3, only this time think 'no,' and note the result.
My results were the opposite of my friend's results, but I got actual results, with no being different from yes. So you know, it doesn't work on my husband at all.

Theoretically, however this thing works (or doesn't), you're supposed to be able to go around and test stuff to see without hurting yourself if you tolerate something or not, just by holding it and trying to open the fingers on your non-dominant hand. I will certainly report back if that works, but I was kind of surprised that the yes-no thing worked all by itself, so I had to stop and report it.

Other than that, I learned that according to one of these scale thingies (scroll down some) that I have the metabolism of a thirteen-year-old, whatever that means, but at least it's entertaining to be told your metabolism looks young.


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