Wednesday, September 13, 2006

security screening, pot, and celebrities

Today I learned that stuffing a whole lot of kapok into a mattress casing is really, really tiring. You'd think I'd have learned that when we made the mattresses for the driveway camping trip, but my husband stuffed those.

I still have enough energy to be surprised by things, so here are some things that surprised me:
  • Security screening at airports seems to be mostly for show. One of the ladies interviewed for that article carried a $300 container of facial cleanser on an airplane on purpose, and she got away with it. She also carried perfume, and you know I think perfume should only be handled by a hazmat team, so I hope she gets eaten by those bug-eyed monsters (BEMs) I mentioned yesterday.
  • There's a treatment for hepatitis C, but it's so unpleasant that not that many people complete it, even under the threat of death. Smoking pot counteracts some of the side effects, so a greater proportion of pot smokers complete the treatment, thereby kicking hepatitis C.
  • Not all articles about celebrity behavior are rehashed press releases. I only wish I could write like this.
I also learned that the practically see-through scorpions, like this dead one, are the most poisonous, and that if you catch a live one, your favorite biology teacher may ask that you preserve it in alcohol and ship it on over. When I admitted some squeamishness, every Arizonan I talked to came in completely in favor of drowning that sucker in alcohol.

I'm going to put that off until tomorrow.


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