Saturday, December 17, 2005

fun with Tu Tuff

I promised yesterday to tell you what we did with the Tu Tuff, a 4 mil, polyethylene vapor barrier.

Polyethylene is the only plastic I tolerate, not that I would drink anything out of it. We taped it with aluminum tape to the floor of one of the rooms where we pulled up the carpet, and lo and behold, it holds in the carpet glue and pad chemicals. I can sleep in there. This is very, very cool because sleeping indoors is suddenly vitally important since the neighbors have started doing laundry at all hours of the night.

I kinda miss the stars, though. There's something really cool about turning off all the lights and climbing into bed by starlight, and sometimes you can hear the coyotes howling.

By the way, coyotes don't sound like wolves. They yip like a pack of toy poodles, which you just wouldn't expect for animals their size.


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