Tuesday, October 11, 2005

really big terrarium for sale

The company that built Biosphere 2 put it on the market yesterday. This is the place where, when you take the tour, they say all you have to do is close the doors and you'll have a totally sealed environment, despite the fact that there are big screens replacing some of the windows, and their pressure equalization system is shot.

Yes, we blew some money on the tour and saw a piece of wacky history. It was worth it once, even though I couldn't go in on account of the mold inside. I was in charge of smelling said mold from the outside through those screens I mentioned.

I asked my sister the geologist what happened in there that killed all the bugs, and she had heard at a conference that the concrete floor gave off CO2, which got back into the water, making it more acidic, so it broke down more concrete, etc., and all the bugs died. Not to mention the people gasping for air. (The tour guide admitted they had to pump in more oxygen.)


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