Thursday, September 29, 2005

spider switcheroo

Today I learned that the average temperature in the Arctic has risen something like 5 degrees in the last 50 years, and towns are sinking now that the permafrost isn't so perma, and now I'm stuck with global-warming, we're-all-going-to-cook thoughts.

So to distract you, here's a tarantula that visited my kitchen.


Blogger Jennifer said...

Really?! That came in from outside?! They're just roaming freely? I freak when I see a little bitty spider on my wall no larger than a nickle and you can calmly take a picture of a tarantula on your kitchen wall?

You are the bravest person I know.

What did you do then? You can't exactly put a glass over it, slide a piece of cardboard under it and then free it back outside. That is my usual procedure with spiders that are too big to squish.

You certainly can't whack it with a shoe. Or a baseball bat - if you miss you'll end up with a pissed off spider and a hole in your wall.

It wasn't really a wild spider was it? You keep it as a pet don't you? Shudder!

2:29 PM  

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